Monday we awoke in Utsch Marina after a great nights sleep. We decide to stay today as the wind was not in our favor to round the Cape May point. Most boats use the Cape May canal which is more protected to get to the Delaware river, but due to our mast height we would need to go around. The passage around the point is more precarious due to currents and lots of shoaling (shallow often rocky areas). The wind and tide should be in…Continue Reading “Heading around Cape May”
Word Blog
We slept in a bit as we planned to stay today at Atlantic City. Just as we were getting coffee Dave and Diane texted that the wind was favorable for a jump to Cape May and they would be leaving shortly. When we went to bed the wind prediction for today was out of the south, but this changed and now was out of the East. After some discussion and research Stew and I decided to make the jump as well. We were not excited…Continue Reading “A Cape May Birthday Celebration”
We had a great time at Sandy Hook Bay Marina. Thursday we awoke to calm seas and skies even though the prediction had been high winds this morning. I spent the day catching up the blog entries and enjoying the second floor balcony which looked out over the entire marina and Lower Bay. Stew caught a ride into town to get propane. We did some laundry and took an evening walk on the walking trail near the marina. Friday morning we awoke early to take…Continue Reading “Atlantic Ocean, here we come”
The morning was spectacular as we both slept well and so happy to be on the other end of the storm… like a bad case of the flu! It felt good to get on our way. Even though Stew and I had a rough few days our little basil plant was blooming. Perhaps a good sign for us. We moved it out into the sun… We headed across the sound to Safe Harbor capri for some diesel and to fill the water tanks. While we…Continue Reading “Heading to NJ”
The night we spent in Echo Bay, just outside New Rochelle was glorious. We had a goods night sleep and felt renewed in the morning. We putzed around a bit and headed out to do some sailing on Long Island Sound. It was pretty cool because there were so many sailboats already out there. In fact a race seemed to be going on just beyond Larchmont bay. Larchmont, as I found out later, is a diehard sailing club. I guess they are renown for it….Continue Reading “Gale Force Winds”
Our night was rough at the George Washington Bridge. We rolled most of the night due to current, tides and wind. We struggled to get the anchor up and had to wait until slack tide to do it. The weather was brisk and the wind was blowing pretty strong. It was very overcast but we were excited to see the Statue of Liberty!! Once we made the turn up the East River under the Brooklyn Bridge the wind went away making the ride much smoother…Continue Reading “Statue of Liberty”
The night was just terrible. The wind was up and we were tied to the fuel dock at White’s marina, banging, clanging, rolling, swaying all night long. BRUTAL. We departed White’s at 6:45 heading to Samalot Marine Store in Haverstraw to shorten our lifelines, about 29 miles. It was a pretty cold morning but we were so happy to be back on the water and the scenery could not have been better. Once in Haverstraw we were able to tie up at Safe Harbor Marina…Continue Reading “Anchoring at GW Bridge”
Its been quite a week here in New Hamburg (Wappinger Falls). First I want to tell you what a great marina we are in. The White’s have literally treated us like family!! Don even let us borrow his truck multiple times to run errands and do laundry. He also spent time explaining and teaching Stew about the prop and shaft fix. Anita, Don’s sister, was very helpful in the store with parts and telling us all about the history of the place. We honestly cannot…Continue Reading “Finally back in the Water”
This morning it was pouring – poured most of the night. Thankfully Stew caulked the mast so the leak was minimal. It continued raining all morning. We waited and waited for someone to let us know when we might be hauled out. We knew that high tide was around noon so we did yoga, had breakfast, did some work in the cabin, and made lunch. Just as we sat down for lunch Chris, Donny’s son (White’s marina owner), said they were ready to move us…Continue Reading “Back on the Hard”
The Hudson River Maritime museum dock was so quiet in the night and this morning. It was great. Even with all the bridge anxiety yesterday we both slept well. Associated with the Museum is the Riverport Wooden Boat School where people learn to build boats. It was a pretty cool place. Since our last plan had failed so miserably we had to come up with a new plan. Our new plan… call several of the larger marinas in Poughkeepsie and New Hamburg and see who…Continue Reading “Another New Plan”