Last night was even colder than the night before. The morning was very overcast and 40 degrees. We were really freezing as we started the morning on the canal. Our friends continued on last night and did not stay in Spencerport. Although we had no additional facilities we did have electric to run our little heater… they ended up at a dock with no utilities – we hoped they did not get to cold through the night! We have discovered you need to plan your…Continue Reading “Great Facilities in Newark”
Last night was a cold night on the canal. It was about 40 degrees and 41 degrees as we started out this morning from Gasport. It was pretty funny – the lift bridge that we needed to open had somehow not be assigned an attendant today… so they had to wake up someone on their day off to come open the bridge. When she arrived, dog in tow, she was very apologetic, even though it was not her fault. How does a lift bridge not…Continue Reading “Good day on the Canal”
It was a long pandemic summer in Erie but we made it and the Erie Canal was finally open to “thru” traffic. So on Tuesday September 12th we pulled out of Presque Isle Bay and headed to Buffalo to unstep the mast and head down the Erie Canal. Enjoy Episode 4:
We got off to a late start from our Buffalo Marina, exhausted from the previous day. But we headed up the Black Rock Canal. The canal is for pleasure craft that cannot fight the current in the Niagara River. It was crazy rapids over in the Niagara River so I was really happy to be in Black Rock Canal. Because it is a slower current there is a Black Rock Lock to lower you down to the Niagara River once you pass the worst parts….Continue Reading “First Night on the Canal”
Today was pretty spectacular – we actually SUCCESSFULLY unstepped the mast! We are truly ready to go into the Erie Canal tomorrow. Both Stew and I are exhausted as there was alot of anxiety associated with this part. But the crew at RCR did a really great job and really knew what they were doing. We also had alot of help from another Freedom owner – Bob Allenick. He sent us a very detailed list of all we needed to do. Without that we would…Continue Reading “The Mast has fallen!”
We have pushed our departure no less than 6 times – starting with the first push in June due to the pandemic. On Sunday night, filled with exhaustion after we found the hot water pipe burst under the bench seat in the salon (spraying all the provisioned food – thankfully mostly jars and cans), the entire sink collapsed and needed replacement, and the newly installed electrical system had not been tested and seemed to have some issues, we made a decision to NOT leave Monday…Continue Reading “Finally on our way!”
Stew completed another episode that covers our first live-aboard summer in Erie. This is after we moved aboard during the pandemic and found out we could not leave Lake Erie – both the Erie Canal was closed and Canada was closed! Stew took a job working on Undercover Billionaire season 2 for Discovery channel. Due to the pandemic he had to live in a hotel about 5 miles from where I was living on the boat. He had to quarantine for most of the week…Continue Reading “Episode 3: Covid Summer”
I feel like we have been saying goodbye all summer as our plans keep changing. But it was with a heavy heart (and a spiked seltzer) that we said our last goodbyes to good friends and family.
Wow, I honestly cannot believe that it is complete. After all the research and planning and it actually works! Last week I finally decided to take the plunge and rewired and installed everything. After posting my planning diagram on FB a 2010 CS student say it and offered his expertise. Mark Barron was beyond helpful. He stopped by first to take a look at the board I had set up with all the components. We discussed how to proceed and then I got started measuring,…Continue Reading “Lithium Battery Installation”
The physical job of installing the solar panels was not nearly as difficult as the job of deciding what panels and where to put them. I did a ton of research comparing flexible vs ridge panels, mono vs poly, series vs parallel, mounting them on the deck or bimini, building an arch, extending railings etc. I personally did not want to mount them on the bimini as it was so expensive and I worried about putting holes in it etc. I also learned that the…Continue Reading “Solar Panels”