Started the morning with the usual coffee but we decided to stay in Little Falls for the morning so I could get caught up on the blog. We have had limited wifi access and being so frugal I refuse to use our cellular… may have to give in to this at some point! Well we stayed and lounged for a bit too long and found ourselves waiting about an hour for lock 17. But as it turned out this was OK because we had rock…Continue Reading “Rock climbing at Lock 17”
Morning broke in Newark and it was very cold (36 degrees). Luckily we had electric and could run our little heater to warm things up. The facilities here in Newark were really great with wifi, showers, and free laundry. Yesterday we took advantage of all of it! Even with the cold, the sun was shinning and it looked like an awesome day on the canal. Lunch was easy as we had our leftovers from the restaurant last night. I have these great tin storage containers…Continue Reading “We hit bottom”
We got off to a late start from our Buffalo Marina, exhausted from the previous day. But we headed up the Black Rock Canal. The canal is for pleasure craft that cannot fight the current in the Niagara River. It was crazy rapids over in the Niagara River so I was really happy to be in Black Rock Canal. Because it is a slower current there is a Black Rock Lock to lower you down to the Niagara River once you pass the worst parts….Continue Reading “First Night on the Canal”