We had a great stop in Erie for Stew’s birthday, and now we are headed to our friends’, the Sailing Jasons, wedding in Bay City MI.
We have been working on how to do things as we travel. Our first stop today for lunch worked out well. We actually pulled into a great Ohio turnpike travel station. They actually had a spot for RVs! They provide free air, water, pump out and for a nominal fee of $20 you can stay the night. We used one of the spots to have our lunch. We used our table, pulled out chairs, etc.. it was great. We were just amazed at what they offer for campers. I wonder if this is true of all Ohio Turnpike travel stations. I know our apps show where travel stations are but I wonder if they provide information as to the services they provide. It would be great to know this ahead of time if you needed water or air, etc. I’ll have to take a look at that tonight.

We are excited to see our friends tonight. There is a gathering of their local friends and people who’ve joined for the wedding at a local bar. We are planning to park our car camping SUV in a spot behind their condo (in the alley). I guess this is walking distance to the bar and also to the park where the wedding will be tomorrow. It all sounds like a lot of fun.
We arrived just as the gathering was taking place. We bought the guys each a boat shirt with their boat name on it as part of their wedding gift – we bought one for Stew and I also and wore them to the gathering. Everyone thought that was great!

We had a great night in the alley in the car – I had made cardboard window blockers since we knew there were lots of lights in the alley – they worked great. The next day we hung out with “the Jasons” and their friends. It was nice to just sit and visit.
Jason C. spent some time writing his vows as we constantly interrupted him.

The wedding took place at the local “friendship” park. The guys arrived in a rickshaw and the ceremony was done in the “friendship shell” brick area. The reception was in the park pavilion. It was really nicely planned. Even an ice cream man showed up around 8pm on his trike with ice cream pops for everyone.

Another night in the alley – slept great. Most of the friends left Sunday morning so we said goodbye to all the great people we met – maybe see some of them down in Florida!
Later that morning we headed to Jason C.’s parents’ house for an open house. The Jasons tried out our bed on the way there – they are a little tall and lanky for the setup I think!

We spent the remainder of the afternoon chatting with the guys and relaxing. We stayed the night in one of the bedrooms since all the friends were gone. It was a great night.
Monday we made a quick pit stop to see the Bay City house the guys planned to buy. We thought it looked just like their boat – wood everywhere – it had their name all over it. We finally started up the Peninsula by noon.