Miles: 16.55
Time: 2 hours 45 min
Avg Speed: 5.9
Max Speed: 8.9
We left Staniel Cay early afternoon and headed to Little Belle Cay. I had heard a lot about this area and knew there was some good snorkeling and hiking. This is part of the Exumas Land and Sea Park so there is no fishing here (drat). But we did pick up a mooring which always makes us feel a bit more secure.
This was a beautiful place and it made me very sad that we were leaving the Bahamas. This was a perfect example of what I thought the Bahamas would be like.
We spent the morning hiking on the island to the sea cave. It was a good hike up hill, but we really enjoyed being off the boat doing something fun. The hike took you across the island to the Ocean side and then up a large hill and down again into an ocean cave. On the way back we swam on the ocean side and again on the inlet side. It was such a nice time!!!

The next day we headed to Larry’s Reef to snorkel. Unfortunately, the dingy was just too small and the wake and waves were just too high to make it out to that reef. But we were able to do some snorkeling closer to shore. We saw a ton of fish and conche, some starfish, and a very large hermit crab that took over a conche shell. We also saw some sea turtles, which are my favorite!!
In the afternoon I made banana bread in the solar cooker – it was super good!