Started day: mile marker 966
Ended day: mile marker 998
We decided mid-morning on Sunday (Dec 12th) to move further south. A storm was coming and we were not very protected in our Fort Pierce anchorage. Stew’s back had been hurting the last few days and it was starting to hurt worse so getting somewhere safe seemed a good idea.
We decided to anchor in Hobe Sound. A beautiful anchorage and no one was here, which was nice. As soon as we arrived we started seeing fish jump so we pulled out the poles and do some fishing. We had not yet caught a “keeper”. Stew’s back was really hurting at this point so he was laying on the floor in the salon most of the evening.

It rained most of the day on Monday (Dec 13th). Stew was still flat on his back and I took the opportunity to work on finances.
It continued raining on and off all day Tuesday, Dec 14th. Stew still laid up with his back so I read and finished up all the paperwork. Plus we order some things to be delivered to Fort Lauderdale. I made some bean burgers for dinner – a big batch so that I could have several more burgers over the coming days. There were about 14 burgers in all!!

Wednesday (Dec 15th) we made more fresh water for our tank (and took pictures)! It went better than the first time and only took us 2.5 hours. Again this gave us some nice fresh water for cleaning and doing laundry. I wiped down the walls and ceiling in the salon area with some vinegar water and did a small batch of clothes. There was a nice breeze so most of it was able to get dry.
Stew’s back continued to be a problem and he mostly had to just lay on the floor in the salon with the ice pack. I’m really hoping he feels better soon.
It continued to rain in the late afternoon but we did a little fishing and caught a Blue Runner and a Catfish big enough to filet and eat. It was very tasty.
The wind really picked up on Thursday (Dec 16th) and we had some boats join us in the anchorage. We did more fishing and I caught another Blue Runner which Stew ate for dinner. We also spent some time mapping out our path south of Fort Lauderdale. Because we draw 6’ and have a mast over 55’ the travel will be difficult because we cannot stay in the ICW. We will have to go out into the Atlantic. Something we have to get used to because that is our only path down the Florida keys.

This anchorage has been really a beautiful place to hang out for several days. We never even made it to shore because of wind, rain and current. But there are a few nice beachy sandy areas that we could see from the boat. Stew’s back is still hurting but we decided to head to Lantana tomorrow. Hope the weather and his back holds out!