Started day: mile marker 878
Ended day: mile marker 900
We had an awesome last night in Titusville. Weather was brisk but clear, pizza and ice cream were perfect. This morning we both woke early (5:30am) with smiles from ear to ear. It could not be calmer in the marina for our departure.
We both had anxiety about getting the boat out of the slip. With the 4 pilings and boats beside us and behind us, and not having driven the boat for about 10 months (landed in Titusville at the end of January) there was a little anxiety!
We made our last trips down the dock to the marina bathrooms and we were ready to go!! At 7:07am (lucky numbers I think) we backed ourselves out of the slip. Stew, of course, did it flawlessly!

The ride was smooth, until Stew took a look in the engine compartment. Unfortunately there seemed to be alot (ALOT) of sea water in the floor of the compartment – meaning that there was some kind of leak in the raw water intake… Stew mopped it up and we kept an eye on it all morning.
We arrived in Cocoa Village around 10:30 giving us the entire day to relax and go ashore. This would be our first dinghy ride in quite some time. It went smoothly, the outboard started with no problem and we found an easy tie up at Cocoa Village.
We of course had to hit S. F. Travis Hardware – this is just an amazing place. The inventory is incredible – several large warehouses connected by stairs, tunnels and bridges – each with several floors. When you arrive they provide you a guide (salesperson) to help you find what you are looking for – we had a few items and we found them in short order. Such a cool place – same family has owned it since 1892!!

Once back on board we did a little fishing – I am still trying to learn my new rod and reel. I have no trouble when I troll with it. But casting is another thing entirely! I often foul the line which is very frustrating. I was just casting and the line fouled terribly, but I knew a fish had grabbed it just as it hit the water… I had to let the fish ride for a while so I could fix the line. Stew thoughts I was joking about a “fish on” comment. But, indeed, I had a nice size catfish!! It was the only fish caught and we did return it to the water – we were not prepared to deal with it that night.

We had a beautiful sunset and quiet night at anchor. And we had the treat of seeing a SpaceX launch! It had been postponed from the night before.

We watched some Netflix I downloaded and hit the hay early so we would be up at sunrise.
“And suddenly you know…its time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings”
– unknown