We decided to extend our stay in Titusville another month. This gave us time to relax and enjoy our friends. We spent the days usually biking and working on projects. In the afternoon we headed to the Cape Canaveral Beaches. Stew’s brother Rob and girlfriend Joanie stopped for an evening visit and ice cream.

We did work on some projects. We installed the old cockpit cupholder under the table area and installed more hooks in the v-berth area. The big one that I was so happy about was my counter extension! With very little effort we were able to extend the counter with a cutting board. It works perfect!

Mid March Dave and Diane headed on their way south and we made another trip to my parents. We were able to do some more hiking and exploring around Sun City Center. On the way back to the boat we stopped in Winter Haven to see some Edinboro University colleagues.

We had several storms in Titusville and each storm brought a sinking ship into the marina. They hauled them out to a mooring ball and had several tied to the mooring. We took the dinghy out there to explore.

Stew worked another gig, this one was for CBS: Secret Celebrity Renovation. That one was fun since there were celebrities in it and people heard of the series.

Spent the remaining days in March doing our biking and alligator watching. The park next to the marina had three alligators and it was fun to spot them. Several more parks had alligators and we had to stop at each for me to find the alligator each time we rode by. One of the lagoons even had a very large iguana that startled me as I came around the corner on my bike. It was just sitting in the middle of the bike path.

“Sometimes having fun with your best friend is all the therapy you need.” – Author Unknown