Started day: mile marker 778
Ended day: mile marker 829
We ended up getting in late last night so we opted to take the rent-a-car back this morning. Stew ended up having to walk the 2 miles back to the boat. This delayed our departure by an hour – but we were on our way by 9am arriving in Daytona at 3:30.

We found out that the above image of the large docks and nice buildings and there is a restaurant were closed down by the state of Florida because they did not get the proper building permits. So this is all built but no one is allowed to use it. I think this is crazy!! They thought they could fix it after it was build – but could not.
My highschool friend Todd Stebleton set us up with a slip in his Yacht club in Daytona, which was very nice. Several steps up from Rivers Edge Marina in St. Augustine! Nice showers, a pool and several dinning rooms. When we arrived we received the full tour which was great! They even had a dress code! But thankfully we ate in the casual dinning room so I didn’t have to pull out Stew’s coat and tie!

Had a great dinner with Todd and Natalie – great to catch up. Todd is very involved in sailing – teaching here at the yacht club and does some racing with his sailboat. We learned alot about the area from them, which was great! Thank you to Todd and Natalie for being such great hosts!