Started day: mile marker 717
Ended day: mile marker 739

The morning began with a beautiful sunrise and we headed into Fernandina Harbor Marina for water and to take care of the composting toilet. We were heading to Jacksonville today and a freedock that Dave and Diane used the night before. Always good to have first hand account of where you are going!
We crossed Nassau Sound and into Sawmill creek and into Gunnison Creek and finally into Sisters Creek. It was a very calm uneventful day of travel.

The Jacksonville Free dock at the Jim King Park was perfect for the night. We had already been warned by Dave and Diane that the bathrooms in the park were not worth the long walk and the homeless seem to be using them to sleep at night as the weather had been very cold. We remained on the boat but enjoyed the wildlife all around us. There were lots of fisherman on the dock as well. The only downside were the bugs – this is the first that we encountered the Florida “no-see’ems”. We have swapped the cold weather for bugs – LOL