Started day: mile marker 132
Ended day: mile marker 182
Left the Dowery marina this morning as soon as the fog cleared. Yes, another morning of fog! We were heading to Oriental, NC.

We had a great ride down the Pungo River, across the Pamlico River, down Goose Creek, into Bay River and then into the Neuse River. Bay River and Neuse River were a little choppy but it wasn’t too bad.
We had connected earlier in the summer with some friends (Carol and Ken) of friends (Stan and Karen in Erie) that lived in Oriental – actually they live on Whittaker Creek. We never met in person but they invited us to dock at their personal dock behind their house. We gave it a good try – but it was just too shallow. So we decided to meet them at the Oriental Town docks instead.

Once we got some fuel and tied up at the town dock, Carol was there to give us a driving tour of Oriental. It was alot of fun as she knew just about everybody and everything about Oriental. After the tour we headed back to the boat to get showered and cleaned up for dinner. We ate at M&M’s restaurant with Ken and Carol. We had a great time!!
Back at the boat the shrimpers still had their lights on but it didnt bother us – we were beat!