This morning it was pouring – poured most of the night. Thankfully Stew caulked the mast so the leak was minimal. It continued raining all morning. We waited and waited for someone to let us know when we might be hauled out. We knew that high tide was around noon so we did yoga, had breakfast, did some work in the cabin, and made lunch.

Just as we sat down for lunch Chris, Donny’s son (White’s marina owner), said they were ready to move us and haul us out. We quick cleaned up and wolfed down our lunch. Chris drove the boat as he knew best where the deeper spots were. He did an incredible job moving the boat in and around all the other boats that were in the way. We just fit in the well width-wise.

It was grueling watching them lift our boat and drive it to a spot on their lot. It seemed much different this time as it was our house, our car, our everything. Before it was just our boat…
Once they had the stands in place and the ladder we could board S/V Freedom, now on the hard. She is sitting not exactly straight so the port side is a little lower than the starboard side – feels a bit odd.

Poor Pete, our dinghy, was left all alone back on the fuel dock. We hope to reunite tomorrow. Stew checked on Pete before we closed up for the night and he seemed safe for the time being.

Tomorrow we will start work on the prop shaft, but we will probably be here on the hard until Monday or Tuesday or…
So great you are posted a blog and I can see what your up to.
Will pray for you and your adventure! Hugs Ruth
Thanks Ruth! We are super excited to be doing this adventure and I have really enjoyed bloggin about it.
Enjoying your blog. Our boat is closed up for the winter, so now we can live vicariously through you!
So good to hear from you! Glad you like the blog. It is already getting pretty cold and we wish we could move a little fast south!