To Rose Island
Miles: 10
Time: 1 hour 55 mins
Avg Speed: 5.2
Max Speed: 8.1
To Athol Island
Miles: 7.8
Time: 1 hour 30 min
Avg Speed: 5.5
Max Speed: 8.3
To San Succi in Montague Bay
Miles: 2.9
Time: 1 hour 7 min
Avg Speed: 2.6
Max Speed: 5
March 16, Saturday: We awoke at the crack of dawn to leave Junkanoo Beach anchorage for the Exumas. We were super excited! But it was not meant to be! We got just outside the harbor and it was very unfavorable conditions. We did not want a repeat of the ride to Nassau so we decided to head back into the area to Rose Island.
We could enjoy Rose Island for the morning and then try again to head to the Exumas after lunch.

After lunch the wind changed a little and we hoped conditions would be more favorable.
They were not!!
So after dipping our toe back out into the Great Bahama Bank to head to Exumas we turned around, again, and headed this time for Athol Island. The island’s East side would protect us from the South East wind.
After all the tourist left the island we went exploring. It was fabulous. The beach area had a rocky parameter that was covered with coral and had great sea life! We snorkeled for quite a while.
We decided. to take a walk to the other side of the island, but we ran into a mama pig – she thought we might have some food so when we turned around and headed back to the beach she followed us with all her little piglets. Once back at the beach she laid down and those piglets went to town!!

March 17, Sunday: Conditions today did not look any better. It was Sunday which meant there would be tons of tour boats bringing tourists to Athol Island – probably by 11 am. Boy was that correct. At about 11am we were being tossed by all the wake from the tourist boats and the jet skis!
We headed for what looked like a quiet anchorage on the far end of Montegue Bay named San Succi. It turned out to be great with several coral reefs all around us. We snorkeled most of the afternoon!
According to the weather, Monday (tomorrow) looked like. a good day to head over to the Exumas. So we thought we would try again!! The third time is a charm!!