I’m really not sure where January went!
We returned to the boat on January 1st and now it’s January 31st!

Once back on the boat we had to deal with all the Bahamas provisions from our failed 2023 Bahamas adventure. There were cans and mason jars everywhere!! We also discovered that the floor of the dry store had dropped out and needed to be fixed.
First order of business was to get that dry store fixed so we had some place to put all the provisions.

Once the dry store was fixed we could get the mason jars put away and I could start working on the bins of cans that would end up in our aft cabin. With all there was to do we were a bit overwhelmed. Just in time for Stew to get sick! Maybe COVID – not sure. He had a terrible migraine and body aches. He was miserable for about a week… I spent the time organizing and provisioning for the Bahamas. I also spent some time walking my favorite bridge in Titusville.

During January’s first weeks, we enjoyed using the grill at the marina, saw several launches from Cape Canaveral, had storms and strong winds with tornado watches that put us running for cover at the marina, and had some beautiful sunsets.

We also purchased two folding bikes which we named “Fish and Chip”.

Middle of January we headed north to Erie, just in time for a winter storm. We landed another job working on videos for the skilled Trades in Erie, so we had to return to shoot the footage. We will be doing 4 more skilled trades: Carpenters, Painters and Allied Trades, Operating Engineers, and Iron Workers.
Here is a link to the ones we completed previously for the Roofers, Plumbers, Electrical Workers and Steamfitters :
We landed in Erie in 15-degree weather with little visibility. A very unpleasant trip!

We spent a week in Erie and in addition to working, we were able to see Arlo, Alyssa, and Matt and visit with Mary. I also got a short visit with my friend Lora. We had a two-day film shoot in Pittsburgh so we also visited with Mike and Anne Bradshaw while enjoying some Primanti Brothers sandwiches!

The drive south was much better and we headed straight to Mom’s in Sun City Center to visit with her and drop off the car. We spent a few days at her place getting our footage for the job together and then headed once again for Titusville. This time we had a rental car which we returned once back on the boat.

We are so excited for the next few months. We have some work ahead of us before we can move out of the slip in Titusville, but it feels good to finally be cruisers again!