Stew was on the move to Birmingham Alabama to work on a shoot for 4 months. He was excited to fill the role of First Assistant Camera (1st AC) for an A&E renovation series. April 9th (Friday) we finished packing the car, closed the boat, said our goodbye to everyone and headed to my parents in Sun City Center, FL. Saturday morning at 5AM Stew and I said goodbye and Stew headed to Atlanta, GA to pick up gear and then on to Birmingham, AL where an apartment at University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) housing was waiting for him.

The apartment they gave him was less than stellar, it was a studio and missing some of the furniture and working appliances that he had been promised. First thing Monday morning he took care of the problem and was given a new studio apartment that was much better. He spent the first few days getting his apartment set up (lots of thrift shops to visit), gear inventoried and checked out, and familiarizing himself with Birmingham. Work started with Covid testing and zoom meetings, meeting onsite to start shooting on April 14th (Wed).

It was a great start to the job and Stew was happy with his role. It was very demanding and the houses they were renovating were in really bad shape. Days were long, 12 hours plus, but when you’re busy all day, time flies.

I remained in Florida with my parents. We enjoyed lots of walks to the lagoons to see the ducks and turtles. In the evenings once the air cooled down I would take dad for a golf cart ride.

I was still trying to figure out my plan for the four months… but first stop was the cabin on Pine Creek in Erie PA…
Though miles may lie between us, we’re never far apart, for friendship doesn’t count the miles, its measured by the heart.