Started day: mile marker 563
Ended day: mile marker 586
The day was cold as usual but the sun was shinning. We had to wait until the tide was going to high tide to leave so we could exit the marina and broad creek without incident. We did a little yoga and ate a hearty breakfast so we were ready to go.

We passed through several bridges but did not realize we had a bascule bridge on the path today. We seem to always just make the bridges and we did it again… making the bridge just at 4:30, the last opening. We were extremely happy to make it through!
We learned just a few days ago that Georgia has passed some new regulations regarding anchoring. You cannot anchor in shellfish growing areas which is hard to know about. There is a state map that has some shading, but again, hard to be sure what is legal and what is not. We passed up some anchorages before we finally just pulled over in Skidaway River. We hoped we would not be asked to move by the Coast Guard, we were ready to get warm and relax!

“Sunsets are so beautiful that they almost seem as if we were looking through the gates of heaven.”
– John Lubbock