Well, we finally are living at ground level, instead of 15′ overhead! With a 6′ keel, the cradle and then the hull of the boat we have been high above the Earth, swaying with the snow storms since we moved in on May 1. You need to realize that we had to move in EVERYTHING (we empty the boat each fall before it is pulled out of the water) by taking it up the 15′ ladder, up the swim stairs on the back of the…Continue Reading “Finally in the Water”
It has been a journey to get to today… we were very worried it would never arrive after 5 years of planning… who could have predicted there would be a pandemic as we approached our “launch” date. But here we are on closing day. Our closing was supposed to be April 1, 2020 but was cancelled due to Covid 19 so the we had to live in an empty house, and actually I was teaching my spring semester classes from home, as we waited for…Continue Reading “Moving Aboard”