Started day: mile marker 103
Ended day: mile marker 132
We awoke to fog as usual – The anchorage was very quiet and peaceful. We planned to make it to Oriental (about 80 miles).. but quickly discovered this was not meant to be…
Stew started the engine and then typically checks oil and looks at engine itself. The engine seemed to be shaking more than usual – rattling actually. It was the alternator again! The pin that holds the alternator in place had sheered off and vibrating out of its spot.
Here we are in Alligator River with no services for over 30 miles in either direction.
Stew is quite ingenious and thought to use bungie cord and ratchet straps to hold the lug bolt in place. He wrapped the cord around the top of the lug bolt (he also applied lock-tite) and then attached the end to a ratchet strap and attached it to the boom! My job for the next 30 miles was to keep an eye on it and be sure it did not move past the head of the nut.

IT WORKED! I honestly was quite amazed and we made it to the first marina (about 30 miles) – Dowry Creek Marina. Little did we know how great this marina was.
We had called ahead and told them of our situation. Although they do not do the work they checked around and tried to find us the lug bolt. When we arrived one of the other boaters came over with three bolts – unfortunately none were exactly right. They suggested we take the courtesy car to Ace Hardware – which they felt had it in stock.
So that is exactly what we did – and lo and behold Ace Hardware had the bolt! We bought 2! Next stop grocery. Then back to the Marina to do wash – it was free so I did 4 loads!! They also had a small store, a lounge, fire pit area and a saltwater pool. They are currently building a restaurant. It was very clean and they had individual bathrooms with showers that were great.

Once we returned from the grocery, Stew got busy fixing the engine. While he was working a rainbow (full rainbow) appeared – I thought it was a sign of good luck!

We finished the evening grilling chicken on one of the marina grills and finished folding the 4 loads of laundry.