Started day: mile marker 28.5
Ended day: mile marker 103
Pungo Ferry anchorage was great – ver peaceful all night. It is starting to get warmer so we wake up to the boat being between 50-55 degrees which is a relief from the 35-39 degrees!! Morning begins with boiling the water for coffee. We make one pot in our coffee press (grinding the beans of course). Once it has brewed we fill our “to-go” 16oz thermos mugs and put the remainder into the purple 24oz thermos. We also put the extra boiled water into the gray 24oz thermos mug. Once the coffee is gone we can keep reheating our coffee remaining in our “to-go” 16 oz mugs with the hot water. Both the 24oz thermoses keep the contains hot all day. We can also make the instant oatmeal using the boiled water. This works great – especially when the mornings were really cold. If we have extra left over we either reboil it in the evening for tea or use it as the “starter” for tomorrow’s coffee.

Once the fog cleared we got on our way. Today we had some open water as we crossed the Albemarle Sound and entered the Alligator River. Both were a bit choppy – but we are used to that!

Finding an anchorage tonight was challenging. The biggest problem is most of the areas off the main channel are really shallow. We made it to the “Deep Point” Anchorage just beyond Swan creek, right at sunset. I really don’t like pushing it to sunset because we risk having to move on in the dark if we cannot get out of the channel due to the shoaling.
Once we were situated and anchored – it was a beautiful night. Two other sailboats were anchored nearby. For some reason we felt we were dragging a bit – but the anchor alarm indicated we were OK.