Miles: 22.61
Time: 3 hours 42 mins
Avg Speed: 6.1
Max Speed: 7.7
March 20th, Wednesday: We were still quite shaken from yesterday’s experience. All we wanted to do was go home and get out of the constant wind and storms. We felt like all we had done is seek wind protection constantly and yesterday’s disaster was the last straw.
Unfortunately, there was another “big blow” coming this weekend and we were in a state of panic as to what to do. Plus, honestly, we did not know if there was damage from our beaching.
We decided we needed to get on a mooring ball and the best spot seemed to be Hawksbill Cay in the Exuma Land and Sea Park. So we headed south

We landed at Hawksbill Cay and relaxed a little since we were connected to a mooring ball. It was a beautiful anchorage. We were still worn out from yesterday and from no sleep last night so we just relaxed for a few hours.
Late afternoon we decided to head to the beach and on the way we met a few of our boat neighbors. S/V Elizabeth invited us on board. We shared our tale of the last few days – they were genuinely sympathetic and offered us some great advice on where to go for the next “Big Blow”. I think we probably still looked freaked out, I felt like I was still so stressed my body was shaking.
After our meetup with S/V Elizabeth, we headed to shore. There was a short hike up to a point where you could overlook the entire anchorage. It was beautiful. Hard to believe this beautiful place was giving us such a run for our money!!

Once we returned from the boat we made a few calls and sent some text to get a mooring ball in Staniel Cay. Luckily the place S/V Elizabeth had recommended had a mooring ball for us the next day. We were beyond thrilled and booked it for the next 5 nights.
We slept a little better now that we had a plan for the next storm!!