Dec 9th (Sunday) I started feeling bad. It started with feeling like something was in my throat that I couldn’t dislodge. I kept clearing my throat. We had some errands to do and spent some time working on the blog while Stew continued working on the teak.
Monday I was feeling worse but I was just coughing a bit and had a headache. I spent most of the day working on the blog. I started looking for where I could get a covid test. If turns out the only place locally to get tested is Walgreens. However, it is a drive-up test and we have no car. In addition, the earliest appointment was January 17th – an entire week away. I took the appointment just in case I really needed it. I will tell you I feel a little terrified about having it. My immune system is not strong – between Lyme, allergies, hoshimotos, lupus…. I am a bit terrified of what covid means for me. I honestly am trying not to think too much about it. Since we don’t have wifi I cannot afford the cellular to google “stories” which is probably a real blessing as that would just scare me further.

Tuesday I was definitely sick with body aches, headache, cough, runny nose, achy lower back. I made vegetable soup in the morning so I would have it the rest of the week. Meanwhile, Stew’s upper back was continuing to hurt since last weeks pickle ball. So he was not 100% either.

Wednesday I felt a bit better, thought (key word “thought”) I was getting better. Stew headed to the doctor for help with his back. This took hours! Between waiting for the taxi, waiting at the doctors, and then waiting an hour and a half at Publix for the prescription. Luckily he got some meds that started making his back feel better almost immediately.
Thursday I was back to being sick again. Slept most of the day. Didn’t have much appetite but the vegetable soup was a good pick me up. We had to make water today so I took some Thera-flu. At least I could be of some help. It went very well actually. We didn’t try to wash down things or do other chores with the water. I also took a hot shower (we ran the engine this morning to boost the batteries and get some hot water). The shower felt good after so much fever sweating.
While I have been sick the weather has been perfect – very cool (around 70) and overcast with intermittent rain. I think this cool breeze has been so helpful when I’m lying here sleeping. But because it is overcast we need to use the engine to keep the batteries up. On a boat you have to monitor several things every day – batteries are one of them.

Dec 14th, Friday, I felt a little better again – really want this thing to kick. More thera-flu. It was so lucky that a few years ago when we sailed Lake Ontario I had been sick when we were anchored in Toronto. Stew had picked up some “Canadian Thera-Flu” actually 3 boxes!! So, we have tons of this left over. This is the first time we used it since then. Happy I kept it on the boat!
Stew has been spending his time running to shore with our urine tank (oh so fun), taking the dinghy down the way to get gas for the generator, working on the outside teak, and editing our next episode. I really pray he doesn’t end up with this when I’m done!! Today is day 6 of being sick.

Saturday (Dec 15th) I thought I felt a little better and we had set up a zoom with the kids. So off we went first thing to the library. We could enter the library and go straight into a private room away from everyone. While we were there I was able to download some stuff to watch on the ipad and uploaded a few already written blogs.
It was great fun zooming with the kids. Even my mother was on the call. Cole shared his news of a full time job in York PA with BAE. He is super excited! He graduates next Friday so this is awesome that he landed a job right away. The girls updated us on their projects and plans. Really really great to see everyones face!
By the time we finished, I was finished. I was exhausted and felt really terrible again. So back to the boat we went. We had planned to do showers but this was not to be. I just wanted back in my bed!
Stew spent the remainder of the day working on the teak. It is really looking fabulous!!

The days began to run into each other. I continued to be sick. Now it was mostly just pure exhaustion and lots of nausea. I was also having some taste issues. My taste was just off. I would have moments of feeling better but then a sweeping exhaustion would typically come within the hour.
Sunday we had a bad storm with winds up to 42K – the harbor was crazy! Over the VHF we would hear boats in a panic because their anchor was dragging. A boat was literally pushed all the way into the mangroves. Another boat T-boned one of the anchored boats and another was pinned to the bridge. I was so happy to be on a mooring ball!

Tuesday I had to get up to make water but otherwise I was still sick… This was now day 10!

Hoping to wake-up well tomorrow! It was been a yucky 10 days!