Started day: mile marker 1185 (No longer on the ICW)
Ended day: mile marker 1216

Saturday, Christmas day, we decided to have pancakes for breakfast and talk to our family. In addition, it was time to make water. Making water takes about 3 hours so I decided to make lentil soup for the thermal pot. I add all the ingredients, bring it to a boil, then put it in the thermal pot and close the lid. It takes about 3 hours to cook – but you can leave it all day and it won’t burn or turn to mush.

By lunch time we needed to get underway because rain and wind was coming and we wanted to make it to Boot Key Harbor before dark.
We put up just the front sail which wasn’t much help because the wind and current were working against us. It was a terrible passage with rain off and on and chop. It was like a washing machine, rolling from side to side.
We knew that Boot Key Harbor would probably be packed with boats waiting for a mooring ball, so we decide to anchor outside the harbor. Boy was this a mistake. We rolled and bobbed all night long. It was just terrible!! Not a good Christmas night!